August 13, 2020
Guilford Foundation Awards $28,950 in Scholarships to GHS Graduates
Although the ceremony was via Zoom this year, the Guilford High School scholarship awardees were no less impressive. The Guilford Foundation was honored to provide 18 awards to graduating seniors from Guilford High School.
These impressive students were selected according to a variety of qualifications, from academic excellence to sportsmanship to career intentions, and have finished their high school career under the most extreme and isolating conditions.

Awardees by scholarship:
Guilford ABC Educational Scholarship Awards: Julia Antwi-Boaskiako & T-Jauni Barham
Elisabeth Adams Fund Scholarship: Brooke Duda & Cameron Hubbard
Carl A. Balestracci, Jr. Humanitarian Scholarship: Eleanor Weisler & Miles DeMille
Al & Gene Bishop Fund for Vocational and Industrial Art Scholarship: Faith Berube
Richard Brooks Scholarship: Abigail Connolly
Stuart D. Burt Scholarship: Gabriela Garcia-Perez
Maureen Cyr Caruso Scholarship: T-Juani Barham
Jaffe Scholarship: Filip Kostic
Stephen A. Looney Scholarship: John Kosh & Gabriela Garcia-Perez
Jake Penman Memorial Scholarship: Emma Bonz
Ralph Schipani Scholarship: Madison Gambardella & Lindsey Smith
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Schwanfelder Scholarship: Lily Mackey
Kyle E. Smith Scholarship: Karl Brooks
Born in the aftermath of 9/11 and stepping out into adulthood during a global pandemic, the Guilford Foundation salutes the extraordinary and resilient class of 2020. These graduates will undoubtedly forge a remarkable path.