June 27, 2023

TGF Announces 2023 ARPA Application Workshop Date

As you may know, the Guilford Board of Selectmen (BOS) selected TGF to distribute $500,000 in federal funding to charitable organizations in 2023 through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

We are creating a process similar to our competitive grantmaking grounded in rigor and methodology. As a first step, we invite all interested charitable organizations serving the Guilford community to attend a virtual workshop on June 29th to learn more about the funding opportunity, including eligibility, deadlines, and the application review process.

If your organization plans to apply for the ARPA funds, someone from your organization must attend the session.

ARPA Workshop Details

Thursday, June 29th

10 – 11 am

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 818 4295 1114

Passcode: 334746

Please RSVP to Amy Paris: aparis@guilfordfoundation.org

Several articles have been written about The Guilford Foundation’s role in disbursing ARPA Funding. Take a look:

Guilford Courier article

Shoreline Times article


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