Archive for Foundation News

Guilford Art Center Launches Endowment Fund with the Guilford Foundation

With the support of a generous matching donor, the Guilford Art Center is launching an agency endowment with the Guilford Foundation, a permanent legacy fund to create long-term income for the Center. “We are thrilled to be partnering with the Guilford Foundation to create this endowment, and extremely…

12 scholarships totaling $11,450 to Guilford High School Graduating seniors

The 2016 scholarship recipients are: Many thanks to the Guilford High School Guidance Department for their work to help identify the awardees!

Donor-Advised Fund Provides the Flexibility for Education and Environmental Support

Acquiring an important piece of open space, providing environmental education, or maintaining trails and building a viewing platform are among the community investments envisioned by William (Bill) Bloss, who recently established the Jared Eliot Fund on behalf of an anonymous donor. The donor-advised fund was started with a…

Community Survey Shows that Guilford Needs More Affordable Housing

Guilford needs more affordable housing, particularly low-priced, single-family homes, and housing that provides more options for seniors and young families would improve the town, a survey conducted by the Guilford Foundation and Guilford Interfaith Housing found. The survey distributed last summer drew responses from nearly 400 residents, with…

Guilford Foundation Hosts Press Conference on Guilford’s Housing Needs

The Guilford Foundation assembled local leaders, service providers and community members on January 12, 2016 at the Guilford Free Library to review work to date on efforts around housing in Guilford. The event concluded with the premiere screening of an informational video that shows testimonials of real citizens…

Guilford Housing Needs ~ Video

Guilford Housing Video – 2016 Final Please click the link above to watch the video on YouTube.

Guilford Foundation 40th Anniversary Fund Drive for the Future

As the Guilford Foundation celebrates its 40th anniversary, a pair of local philanthropists has pledged a major gift that will help fund the town’s changing needs as they arise. Guilford Foundation Vice President Roger Joyce and Director Dee Lundberg have each committed $20,000 toward the Guilford Foundation 40th Anniversary Fund…

Youth Philanthropy at Work: YAG Year in Review

The Guilford High School Interact Club Youth Advisory Group (YAG), an initiative of the Guilford Foundation to promote youth philanthropy, raised over $10,000 in donations during the 2014-15 school year, awarded grants totaling $7,475 to six organizations serving Guilford, and invested $7,000 into their permanent endowment fund. The…

Guilford Foundation Awards $30,300 in Grants in December 2014

In December, the Guilford Foundation (TGF) Board of Directors awarded 7 grants to organizations serving Guilford, totaling $30,300 and ranging in size from $1,300 to $7,500. The grants cover a number of issues, including ESL training, nutrition programs for shoreline residents who struggle financially, programs for individuals with…

Guilford Foundation Awards $8,100 in Grants in March 2015

The Guilford Foundation is pleased to announce grant awards to four organizations serving Guilford. The grants ranged from $750 to $5,000 and support youth, affordable housing and the arts. The largest grant went to Lifelinx, Inc., an addictions recovery support organization that helps people who are in or…