Community Improvement & Vitality
January 14, 2017
Guilford Keeping Society Endowment Fund

The Board of Directors of the Guilford Keeping Society (GKS) established this permanent, designated fund in 2017 to ensure a perpetual annual income for the programs and services of GKS.
GKS’s mission is to collect, preserve and share the history and heritage of Guilford for present and future generations. To that end, they manage two museums—the Thomas Griswold House and the Medad Stone Tavern—and maintain valuable records and documentation of Guilford’s rich heritage.
Part of The Guilford Foundation’s mission is to ensure that the quality of life in Guilford remains strong and vibrant, which means supporting those organizations that preserve the character of our community. To that end, The Guilford Foundation was pleased to work with the Guilford Keeping Society to establish a permanent legacy fund to support their mission.
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