Community Improvement & Vitality
July 14, 1984
Jane H. Berger Fund

Jane was an active and engaged community volunteer who directed her love for American history into founding the Guilford Preservation Alliance (GPA). Her family established a designated charitable fund in her name to support the preservation of Guilford.
Jane Berger had a distinguished service record throughout the greater New Haven area. She was active in the United Way, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Clifford Beers Clinic, Gaylord Hospital, and Junior League—often taking on leadership positions and encouraging others to engage in community service opportunities.
A former secretary of the Colonial Dames with a special love and pride in American history, she was active in the New Haven Preservation Trust and founded the Guilford Preservation Alliance. Upon her death, Jane’s family created this fund in 1984 to provide income for GPA, a nonprofit venture very close to her heart.
Incorporated in 1980, the Guilford Preservation Alliance’s mission is to preserve and protect Guilford’s built and natural heritage. The organization actively promotes the preservation of buildings, landscapes, and streetscapes that contribute to the town’s charm and overall quality of life. Projects include educational forums on preservation and conservation, walking tours, printed historical guides, a town kiosk, and financial assistance for restoration and preservation in Guilford.
We thank community members like Jane, who established a charitable fund with TGF to support her passionate cause, Guilford Preservation Alliance, for perpetuity.
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