Foundation News
June 12, 2013
Women & Family Life Center Agency Endowment
Representatives from W&FL and TGF sign agreement for new agency endowment.
Part of The Guilford Foundation’s mission is to ensure that the quality of life in Guilford remains strong and vibrant, which means supporting those organizations that make a difference in the everyday lives of our citizens. To that end, TGF was pleased to work with the Women & Family Life Center (W&FL) to establish our first Agency Endowment, a permanent legacy fund that creates annual income for W&FL in perpetuity.
W&FL celebrated its 20th year of service to the community in 2012. The organization started over 20 years ago in the basement of St. George’s Church, and today they provide education, enrichment, and support and referral services to over 1,000 women and families facing crisis or life transitions each year.
The Women & Family Life Center, Inc. Endowment Fund was established with $10,000, a portion of which came from Sandy and Pam Stoddard and their family, longtime supporters of W&FL who recognize the importance of ensuring that resources exist to support their services to the community—forever. In addition to providing an ongoing stream of annual funding to W&FL, establishing an endowment fund offers other supporters of W&FL another tool for supporting their agency, including as an option during estate planning. TGF was delighted to offer matching funds to W&FL to create this important part of their long-term financial and strategic development planning.