Unrestricted Fund
July 12, 2016
David W. Knapp Fund

David Knapp, longtime Guilford resident, established the David W. Knapp Fund in 2016. It’s unrestricted so it can be directed towards existing and future needs of the town.
David Knapp (1926 – 2023) was a remarkable citizen of Guilford who made a huge impact in our community and beyond. He was involved with his church, contributing to the affordable housing initiative, the food bank, and other local efforts, advocated for LGTBQ+ rights, and devoted his free time to enjoying the outdoors and sailing on Long Island Sound. He even welcomed an Iraqi refugee family into his beloved 1763 home in the center of town.
He was passionate about the Boy Scouts, saying that it shaped his life by giving him life skills, including a love for sailing, swimming, and canoeing. After devoting much of his adult life to leadership roles in area councils, David was kicked out of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) for his sexual orientation. His advocacy and strong conviction for inclusiveness had a big part, “behind the scenes,” in the BSA National Council’s 2013 decision to allow gay youth to participate in scouting.
The Guilford Foundation appreciates that David created an unrestricted fund because it allows us to respond to needs and opportunities as they arise. The community benefits, as TGF can provide a more nimble response to developing situations and foster new approaches.
Learn more about David’s advocacy and inspiring community impact by clicking here.
Read about David’s incredible bequest to the Deer Lake camp by clicking here.
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