Community Improvement & Vitality
July 12, 2019
The Delaney Fund

Delaney Lundberg (Dee) has been very involved in The Guilford Foundation. She is a current Ambassador, and served on the Board of Directors from 2013 to 2019 and Chair of the Governance Committee for several years. Dee set up a fund, understanding the value of perpetual giving.
She served during a period of expansive growth of the Foundation, including a new foray into proactive leadership—starting with addressing Guilford’s housing needs. The Guilford Foundation was instrumental in raising awareness about the need for housing diversity for our residents.
“The housing initiative has been a great beginning in raising consciousness about housing issues in town,” said Lundberg, who, in 2014, served on the Guilford Human Services Council for many years. “A needs assessment pointed us in new directions, and I like the flexibility of having the ability to respond.”
In 2019, Dee completed her service on the Board. She and her husband, Bruce, established The Delaney Fund as a designated fund to support the operational costs of the Guilford Foundation. Dee recognized the importance of operating support—these funds allow the Foundation to maintain its visibility in the community, provide leadership around community issues, raise new dollars to reinvest in the organizations that serve Guilford, and provide excellent stewardship for our existing funds.
“In my years of involvement with the Guilford Foundation, what I’ve come to appreciate is the permanence you get when you make a contribution or establish a fund,” Dee states. “The Foundation maintains the long view and allows us to participate in the building of a vision for our community and in the creation of a sense of possibility.”
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