Foundations Fuel Families

Foundations Fuel Families: Providing Warmth for your Neighbors

Fund Drive 2/14 to 3/19 A fuel crisis exists in Guilford. Costs to heat our homes are higher than ever, and more and more people are approaching Guilford Department of Social Services (GSS) for help: In 2010-11, GSS took 372 household applications for energy assistance, a jump from…

Notice of Press Conference

On Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 at 10am at the Guilford Free Library, the community foundations for Branford, Madison & Guilford will host a press conference to kick off “Foundations Fuel Families,” a private-sector initiative to raise funds for fuel assistance. A fuel crisis exists in our communities. Costs…

Winter Grant Awards

$20,012 Grant Awards by Guilford Foundation Aim to Make a Difference At its December Board meeting, the Guilford Foundation Board of Directors approved $20,012 in grants to 8 local nonprofit organizations. “We were impressed with the scope and quality of applications,” said John Crawford, Board President. “We believe…

YAG in the News & Grant Application Deadline

The Youth Advisory Group (YAG), some members shown in the picture below taken at the 2011 Guilford Citizens’ Day Parade, was created through a partnership between GF and the Guilford High School Rotary Interact Club. YAG is currently fundraising for, and awarding grants to, local nonprofit organizations. The…

Recent Grants – Summer into Fall 2011

During the Guilford Foundation’s most recent grant cycle, the Board approved grant applications from the following organizations:

Interact Club Reaches Goal and Presents Grants

Submitted by Belinda Sam On May 26, 2011, the Interact Youth Advisory Group announced the four grants they have given at the annual Guilford Foundation Dinner at the Guilford Yacht Club: In 2010, the Guilford Foundation chose to partner with GHS Interact Club to form the Youth Advisory…

GF Provides SARAH, Inc. Funds for Recycling Bins

The Guilford Foundation and SARAH, Inc. have joined forces to help provide jobs for SARAH supported workers and at the same time have a major impact on keeping the community of Guilford clean and green! The Guilford Foundation recently awarded SARAH, Inc. a $2500 grant to help grow…

Guilford Foundation Provides 2011 Scholarships to 9 College Bound Graduates

As summer winds down and recent high school graduates prepare to enter their freshman year, the Guilford Foundation is pleased to report that nine Guilford High School graduates were awarded scholarships to help offset the costs of their education. The records of these remarkable students reflect their hard…

Competitive Grants

Competitive grants are awarded based upon the merit of the project or service provided. Strong consideration is given to addressing needs in one or more of the Foundation’s focus areas and an applicant’s willingness and ability to perform. $2,500 – Roses for Autism (Ability Beyond Disability, Inc.) – to…