In July 2014, the Guilford Foundation made grants totaling $23,449. The awards—listed below—include results from the competitive grant making process; awards from multi-year commitments; sponsorships, donor advised recommendations; and awards from our designated funds.Chittenden Boardwalk at the June 22nd Dedication Competitive Grant Awards Previously Approved Multi-Year Grants Donor…
The Guilford Foundation hosted its Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Thursday, May 30th, under clear, warm skies at the Guilford Yacht Club. At the dinner, we awarded scholarships to nine Guilford High School graduating seniors to help offset the costs of their college education. The records of…
The Guilford High School Interact Club Youth Advisory Group (YAG), an initiative of the Guilford Foundation to promote youth philanthropy, recently awarded four grants totaling $4,300 to local organizations: YAG is an initiative of the Guilford Foundation whose intent is to foster philanthropy among high school students. Members…
At its March Board meeting, the Guilford Foundation Board of Directors approved $15,550 of funding to 7 local organizations. “The Board was once again pleased to support a broad scope of needs in the community, from youth scholarships to senior services to families in need,” stated Board President…
The Youth Advisory Group (YAG), some members shown in the picture below taken at the 2011 Guilford Citizens’ Day Parade, was created through a partnership between GF and the Guilford High School Rotary Interact Club. YAG is currently fundraising for, and awarding grants to, local nonprofit organizations. The…
The Guilford Foundation and SARAH, Inc. have joined forces to help provide jobs for SARAH supported workers and at the same time have a major impact on keeping the community of Guilford clean and green! The Guilford Foundation recently awarded SARAH, Inc. a $2500 grant to help grow…