Archive for Foundation News
We’ve been delighted to have some of our recent initiatives and work highlighted in local and regional news media. Here is a listing of some of the recent articles: A Lesson in Charity for Guilford Youth – 6/4/13 Article in The Day Walk through History with Kaitlin Worden – 5/28/13…
Spotlight on Guilford – Guilford Foundation from GCTV on Vimeo.
The Guilford Foundation is pleased to announce to release of our 2011 Annual Report, which provides an overview of the activities, financial data, donors, and grant awards made during the fiscal year starting February 1, 2011 and ending January 31, 2012. Many thanks to Drink Communications for designing this document.
Thursday, May 31, 2012 The Guilford Yacht Club 379 Whitfield Street, Guilford, Connecticut Reception at 6:00pm Dinner & Awards at 6:45pm Admission is $50 per person – $25 under 18 This dinner is made possible through the generous support of our sponsors:
The Guilford High School Interact Club Youth Advisory Group (YAG), an initiative of the Guilford Foundation to promote youth philanthropy, recently awarded four grants totaling $4,300 to local organizations: YAG is an initiative of the Guilford Foundation whose intent is to foster philanthropy among high school students. Members…
Fuel Aid Effort Kicks Off on Valentine’s Day. Click the link for photos and article in the Guilford Courier. 3 Shoreline towns’ charity to offer fuel aid. Click the link for the article in the New Haven Register.
The Guilford Courier Featured Board President John Crawford as the “Person of the Week” on February 7, 2012. Click here for the full article!
To help promote “Foundations Fuel Families,” an effort to raise funds for Guilford Social Services for families who need energy assistance, Liza Janssen Petra was interviewed on February 11, 2012 on Good Morning Connecticut. Click here to watch the interview.
Fund Drive 2/14 to 3/19 A fuel crisis exists in Guilford. Costs to heat our homes are higher than ever, and more and more people are approaching Guilford Department of Social Services (GSS) for help: In 2010-11, GSS took 372 household applications for energy assistance, a jump from…